In Which We Find Our Way
I was told long ago that you never miss home until you've been some place else for a really long time. I think I can say that now. This year I made a resolution and that resolution was about the growing anger inside of me. Not being able to control all aspects of my life made me bitter and in turn angry. So I let it go. I let it all go. I gave all those things to God because I clearly couldn't handle them. And I did so with good reason. Ever since then, I can honestly say that I've never felt better. I feel better about life and I feel better about myself.
Nowadays when I slam my hand in the door or when something doesn't go my way, I don't grow angry, most of the time, I laugh. I find humor in the things that once made me mad. The things that made me crazy don't seem to make me crazy anymore. For some reason, I have a peace about life that I really like.
I recently told a friend of mine that you can't waste time trying to please everyone. As Ed Sheeran said, the only sure way to fail is to try and please everyone. Life isn't about making people happy, it's about making God happy and having faith in Him that everything else about your life will fall right into place. Genius, huh?
Life isn't meant to be spent lost, it's meant to spent living. Lest we not dwell on which we came from, instead let us bask in the moments in which we find our way.